Leveling — Albion Route

This guide might not be the most perfect route. The easiest, or the fastest. And more importantly, it might not be for you! There are many ways to level on Eden, so it's absolutely fine if you think this is bullshit and would rather do it your own way.

So here's a few of the guidelines I approached this with. It should give you an idea of what to expect, so you know if it's for you or not.

PvP slows you down. It can be fun, and you're absolutely welcome to go into Battlegrounds while leveling if that's your thing. But it requires a very specific group composition and time of day for farming deserters to be faster than regular questing. Dying is just a waste of time.

You can level with any group size. I followed this path or variations of it in duos, in groups, or while leveling completely solo. There are differences of course: the fewer members of your group there are, the more xp you'll get for each single mob kill, which should bring you ahead of the curve. In an 8 man, you might instead fall behind, but that's alright because you'll easily catch up doing a dungeon quest or some battleground instead.

You don't need to buy gear. This was done multiple time simply using drops as gear. If you're a melee class, buying weapons from BGs might be worth it, but not necessary unless you've been really unlucky.

Less travel time is better. This applies in many ways. Sometimes, it means being able to grab two sets of quests from the same place (for example, one from the 20-24 slice and one from the 25-39 slice) before actually questing in this place, to do a single loop instead of two. More often, it means leveraging all the various teleporters, horses, dragonflies, bindstone portals and endurance buffs as we can to travel as fast as possible.

General Advice

Read this section carefully, and apply each point as often and as religiously as possible. No matter the route, no matter the quest, these will always be highly beneficial.


1 - 10 — Holtham

This is an extremely fast way to reach level 10. It's fast solo, it's even faster in a group, it's that much faster too if you use your portals smartly.
If you did start there, your automatic bind is right next to the quest giver so you're actually in the best position to do this fast. If you started in Gothwaite Harbour, use the channeler to get to Holtham, and make sure to bind in the center of the village.

Honestly, you don't really need a guide, and this might be longer to read than to actually do the quests but... here we go.

All the quests here are taken from Sir Remson, Lord Mayor of Holtham, in the south east ridge above the town.
If you can, grab an entire set of gear from the Quartermaster next to Remson, it'll help.

  1. Kill Small Black Bears just north east, behind the houses. Try to hit level 2 before heading back to Remson.
  2. Talk to Remson, then to Pacel and Harry Stone, right next to him before returning to him. Turning back to Remson will get you to level 3.
  3. Grab the TWO quests from him, and head west. Talk to the Channeler in the center of the village. Nothing more needed for that quest.
  4. Move further north west, and find Tawny Lynx Cubs. You can kill them until you reach level 4. Use your bindstone to head back to Remson. Give back the two quests and grab the one for grey wolves.
  5. Run north up the hill, and kill Grey Wolves until you reach level 5 and finish the quest. Teleport/run back, turn in the quest, and grab the next one.
  6. Run to the west, and start killing Midgard Invaders. They're actually neutral, so you can safely move amongst them. Put down a portal while you wait for POW/END/Health between pulls with your bindstone; you'll be using it to return there for next quest. Make sure you're at least level 6 by the time you take your portal and hand back your quest.
  7. Grab the next quest, and take your portal back to the midgard invaders. Again, we'll kill the Midgard Commander and use a portal to head back - we'll be back to the dock near there in a moment. The Commanders are at the western tip of that little island the invaders are on.
  8. Once you hand back the quest and picked the one for the Hibernian Commander, take your portal back, and run to the dock south of the midgard invader island. Buy a Ticket to the island from the Dockmaster, and board the boat by clicking on it. Ride it to the end. You then need to run to the eastern tip of the island. The Hibernian commander has a tendency of running into the water south of the island, near the stone docks. Run back up to the top of the stone dock, talk to Dragonfly Handler Paul, before buying a Dragonfly ticket to Holtham.
  9. You can then finally hand the quest back to Remson. This should put you at the very end of level 9. Take the last quest, and with a talk to the channeler at the center of the village, teleport to Cotswold. Talk to Silverstar and BAM! You're level 10.

1-10 Holtham

10-13 — Camelot Hills

Take all the quests from Silverstar in Cotswold. Bind there.

Ignore Bounty Hunter and Difwych Family. They take too long to complete, having to run around the entire zone.

I like to do the two Bandit quests up north first, then the Faeries and Spritelets in the south, and finish with the Large Pikes quest. Fighting in water sucks, so it ends up being the most difficult here.
10-13 Camelot Hills

13-17 — Isle of Glass

Port to Gothwaite Harbour. Bind there. Take all the quests from Maugre the Timid. Drop Bounty Hunter, too much running around. Run up (with realm speed) to Caer Gothwaite, to grab a horse toward Caifelle. Drop when you you see the first Marsh Crud.

  1. Walk north west to Anniogel. Finish the quests for Grindylows, Candle Lights, Ghosts before reaching the town.
  2. Take a horse to Caer Gothwaite and jump at Caifelle. There, run toward the beach. Finish the Marsh Crud quest, and Guagaran Whelps.
  3. Come back to Caifelle, and hand back the quests to the Isle of Glass Explorer. At this point, you should be above 15 and unlock the next set of quests for this island.

If you don't find enough Ghosts south of Anniogel, you can find more south of Caifelle, south of the lake there.
13-17 Isle of Glass

The next set of quest, that you can grab right there, doesn't really require a specific route. Almost all the targets are in the same area, even mixed with each others.

I usually start with Alluvian, south of Caifelle, then make my way up on the ridge south of the path (Dark Arawnite) to Anniogel, and then clean the northern side of it (everything else).

This should get you around level 17. Time to hit the Frontiers! Use your bindstone, a horse or whatever you want to get to a channeler, and to Catterick Hamlet.

17-23 — New Frontiers

About New Frontiers Quests

New frontier quests are worth a lot of xp, but are pretty dangerous and you risk to get ganked a lot. This makes them honestly not quite as valuable as you'd think, in my opinion. But at this level, most quests are behind your relic gates, which makes them safe enough to enjoy!

Hopefully, this will also give you tinderboxes for better regeneration while leveling later.

Refresh your realm buffs, your realm speed, and grab all quests from Dyfrug (Albion Frontier Explorers).

There's no real route here, we're just going to do a little loop through Forest Sauvage. The picture bellow shows the favoured spots for each spawn:

  1. Small Skeletal Legionnaire and Small Skeletal Centurions are on the same hill.
  2. Rotting Ashen Fellwood & Forest Ettins tend to be close to each other. Make sure you kill the Ashen trees, not the Oaken which are nearby.
  3. Giant Wolves are the most annoying. The spot marked on the map is the only place where there's more than a few of them at the same place.
  4. Forest Adders and Ebony Fellwood share the same forest.
  5. Broecia just hangs out by their lonesome south of Catterick Hamlet.

By returning these quests, you should be at least level 20. If you're solo, you probably got enough XP to get to 21.

17-23 Forest Sauvage

At this point, we're going to keep doing the next set of quests in the Albion frontiers. If you want, you can do the Mount quest already, but it won't be useful until we leave the frontiers.

A Short Transition

We'll do two things as soon as we leave the frontiers, to prepare the rest of our journey.

First, teleport to Wearyall Village. There, simply talk to the Avalon Isle Explorer NPC, and pick up all the quests. We won't be doing them right now; but they happen to be in the same area as the ones from the next set, so we can do both at once later! Heck, there's even literally two quests for the same type of mobs!

Second, let's get our Mount. Here's how:

Mount Quest

Mount Quest

23-26 — Salisbury Plains

Get your mount!

Before doing this set of quests, please make sure you do The Mount Quest. The speed will help you tremendously.

Go back to West Downs. Either use the portal to the retired stable master's tower from the mount quest, or fly there from Cotswold. Grab every quests there. They form a nice line to go through, easy enough!

Unfortunately, you can't bind in West Downs. Your best bet is to bind near a channeler anywhere or in Cotswold, teleport there after finishing the quests and get a dragonfly back to West Downs. Fortunately, we're going to do the second set of quests here too, so it's actually worth it.

By the time you come back to West Down and hands back the quests, you hopefully should be level 25. If not... you'll have to catch up somewhere else. Thidranki is probably one of the most dangerous BGs out there, but there's at least a couple of quests you can sort of safely do right outside the keep.

Immediately take the next set of Salisbury Plains quests. They're all neatly concentrated in the same area!

Faerie Frogs

The Faerie Frog quest is kinda difficult, here. They're mostly red or purple at level 25.
If you're not capable of doing it, just skip it.

23-26 Salisbury Plains

26-28 — Avalon Isle

Port to Wearyall Village, take the second set of quests there, and bind there. With quests from both 20-24 and 25-29 to do here, in the exact same area, we should easily be able to get you through these levels.

Bounty Hunter Quest

Nahra'gar, on the second step down below, is inside a building. That makes him pretty difficult if you're on a caster who needs to pull at max range to kill something. If you're not capable of killing him, drop the entire Bounty Hunter Quest, it'll be okay.

  1. Grab a horse toward Gothwaite Harbour. Jump off of it after the last Drakoran Marauders, after the bend in the road.
  2. The first step is actually pretty annoying. It's a named, Nahra'gar, who is inside the northernmost building of this abandoned village.
  3. On your way back and forth to Nahra'gar, kill Gray Ghosts which stand behind that little town and the path.
  4. South of the village, you'll find a field of Haunted Appletrees. You can ignore these mobs, but amongst them are the Apple Snatchers and Undead Seedsmen you need to kill.
  5. Run west toward the dot on the map in the middle of the forest, to the Drakoran camp there.
    1. All the enemies in there count for at least one of your quests.
    2. Drakoran Leeches should be your first priority, as they're healers and will try to heal anything else you attack, even if they don't actually count as 'aggroed' to you.
    3. Barak is the named you need to kill there. Just like the Drakoran Elementalists, he's a caster. Careful!
    4. Once you've killed Barak, it's easier to go further into the forest west of the camp to finish the quest, with a lower density of mobs. Finish off all the Drakoran Marauders, Drakoran Elementalists, Drakoran leeches and Drakoran Grunts you need before moving to the next step.
  6. Run south, and find the Apple Flies. This camp is much better than the one the red dot shows on the map. It's also where Buzz is, on the west side.
  7. Finish this set of quests with the Water Shucks, south east of this, on the beach, which count for two quests at the same time!

Teleport back to your bind point in Wearyall Village, and hand back all the quests.
26-28 Avalon Isle

Another small transition

Again, we're going to do a short trip somewhere else just to grab some quest.
Teleport to Yarley's Farm, and take a horse to Avalon Marsh, all the way. Take the quests there, and bind there, right south of the quest giver. Use this channeler to head to Catterick Hamlet in the next step..

28-30 — New Frontiers

Another relatively easy set of quests here, all behind relic gate except for one. You know the drill, port to Catterick Hamlet, and take the Albion Explorer quests.

  1. Start with the bounty hunter task back at the Legionnaire camp west of Catterick, then come back to the Hamlet.
  2. Take the teleport to Castle Sauvage. The dot for the Forest Stalkers is stupid. There are way more mobs for that quest on the west side of the wall than on the east side, halfway between CS and the mountain chain in the middle of Forest Sauvage.
  3. Back to Castle Sauvage, and teleport to Snowdonia Fortress. Kill Giant Skeletons. Be very careful, if you're not alone, you might pull the purple con mobs there... it sucks. Might want to disband one person who would pull for the rest, here.
  4. Cheshire is next. He's a black ca,t, in the middle of multiple small rock bounders.
  5. Now it's a big stretch of sprint up to the camp of the Howling Clan. Kill everything there. They're a bit spread out, but there's a lot of them.
  6. Move through the doors up north, and kill some Bwca.

Back to Dinas Emrys, port to Catterick Hamlet, and hand back all the quests! This is the last time we're gonna do quests in the Frontiers in this guide; after this set, they become too dangerous and out in the open.
28-30 Sauvage
28-30 Snowdonia

Hopefully, this should get you up to level 30. Again, 25-30 is probably the worst level slice... If you need a bit more experience, either grind some mobs, find a group for one of the dungeons (Tepok Mines), or try to do at least one quest from the battleground. At worst, you could start doing the quests from Avalon Marsh, but it'd slow you down in the next level slice.

30-35 — Avalon Marsh, Lyonesse & Cornwall

I personally hate the set of quests for 30-35 in Avalon Isle, the Wilton Battleground is awful for its quests, and the NF quests are far into the dangerous areas. This leaves us with the Classic areas... and fortunately, there are three of them, and they're pretty sweet.

Use your bindstone to go to Avalon Marsh, where you bound yourself a little bit earlier. Grab all the quests again, and we're going to go around the zone for two sets of quests at once, again.

Swamp Mares

At this level, you can start killing Swamp Mares around Avalon Marsh, when you see them. Nothing related to leveling, but they can drop their skin as a mount, which sell for a good amount AND look cool for yourself, too!

  1. Start this route by going north east of the quest giver, and kill Creeping Cruds, Scum Toads, Muck Snakes, Rot Worms and Mud Worms. Make sure to at least finish the worm quest; you'll see more cruds, toads and snakes later on, but this place is the only one with such a density of these.
  2. Head back south west past the quest giver, and up the hill to kill Decayed Zombies, Skeletons and the named Winston.
  3. North west of here you'll see a few houses on stilts. Under them, you'll find the Slough Serpents you want to kill. For the same quest, you can also find Spiny Eels in the lake further north, but they're higher level so I'd encourage you to finish this on the serpents.
  4. All three of these named are all next to each other at the very northern edge of this map: Sirelian, Grizzletooth and Thornpaw.
  5. Travel west to the main land, and kill the Mist Sprites there.
  6. There's a series of named to kill one after the other here, from Rangfar and Leaper Lord, to Mruglar much further south and Borwyr the Cursed all the way in the corner of the map.
  7. Travel on the road back east, up to the Ghost Church. The two named, Dread Lord Aryon and Undead Knight Fiedel, can be found on the back, on the north-north-east side of it. Kill all the needed Ghostly Knights.
  8. Let's move north, and kill first the named Scraek, which is usually in the southern ruined tower on top of the hill, and Scrags. Scraglings are lower level and preferable for an easier and faster time.
  9. Finally, a little north of this are the Bogman Surveyors. Be really careful about the higher level mobs (Bogman Brutes) mixed with the surveyors in that area.
    30-33 Avalon Marsh

Run north or use your bindstone, and hand back your quests. This should largely get you to 33 and more. From there, go to the channeler, and teleport to Yarley's Farm. Grab all the quests there, from the two NPCs, both Lyonesse and Cornwall.

  1. Let's head west toward the north of Lyonesse first.
  2. Townsmen and Farmers are very close to each other, so that's pretty nice. Just be careful with all the purple mobs on the way. The Shepherds are a bit further west, behind the first camps of townsmen and farmers.
  3. Move south toward the Dunters. Careful again at all the purple mobs on the way. There are many different camps of them in the area.
    33-35 Lyonesse

Use your bindstone, grab your realm buffs and teleport back to Yarley's Farm. Hand back the Lyonesse quests, and let's go do the Cornwall ones.

Don't follow the red dots

Most red dots for this set of quest are pretty off. Don't try to follow them, and instead keep an eye on the path explained here.

  1. Take a horse (either destination from Yarley's farm work). Jump down about halfway up to Cornwall Station, and go south to kill Yog. He's not at all where his name is on the map, but he's actually where the red dot is.
  2. Move way north, beyond the forest. Gerkran for the Bounty Hunter quest is there. The named is a tiny spider compared to the others.
  3. The whole stretch of land there has all the Cliff Spiders and Cliff Spiderlings you'll need to finish that quest. Make your way north east while killing them.
  4. Theurgist Arkyn, the Ghostly Paladins and Ghostly Clerics are all around the ruins of the church north east of the spiders.
  5. All the remaining quests are done in the large forest area past the church. The Cornwall Leader, the Cornwall Hunters, the Brown Bears and the Moor Wolves.
    33-35 Cornwall

Use your bindstone again, refresh your realm buffs, and once again go back to Yarley's Farm. Hand back all the Cornwall quests. This should get you to 33, almost to 34.

35-40 — A bit of everywhere

We're going to need a lot of quests to finish this slice of levels, as they give very little XP, and each zone only has a handful. Let's start right at our bind point, with these three quick Avalon Marsh quests.

Kill all the Swamp Mares you see on your path. They're a bit everywhere.

  1. Phantom Page are relatively rare, but this place on the map is a nice enough spawn, just south of the actual red dot.
  2. Vaduul is exactly where the dot tells you he is. Annoying to kite because of all the water around the isle.
  3. Finish killing Swamp Mares in this area, around the lake. They're few and far between, but at least there's almost no other mobs in that area
    35-40 Avalon Marsh

Use your bindstone and hand back your quests. Use the channeler to go back refresh your realm buffs, put your bind in some central spot like Camelot or Castle Sauvage. Let's continue with Adland, by teleporting to Caer Diogel. The quest giver is outside, by the door, south west of the keep.

Orc Derelicts

They're a bit all around the area. You need 10 of them or Orc Acolytes, so if you spot them, make sure to kill them.

  1. Kill Ellames Stuart south west of Caer Diogel.
  2. Run back north, and kill Mountain Algaes and Thrawn Ogre Thrashers as you encounter them.
  3. Run all the way east and kill Gribbar.
  4. If you still need more Orcs, head south where many Orc Acolytes are, next to the sea. Careful, they're casters.
    35-40 Aldland

You know the drill. Bindstone, Caer Diogel, hand back the quests.
Teleport to Yarley's Farm, and let's do another round of Cornwall and Lyonesse quests.

  1. Head right behind the fence south of the quest giver, and kill Tusker and the Giant Rooters.
  2. Cross another fence toward the south, and kill Greater Boogeys.
  3. Go north east to kill the Legionarius on top of the Catacombs of Carvoda's hill.
  4. The Lost Tower has all the Dragonsworns you need to kill.
  5. The Roman Fort to the east is the only spawn for Skeletal Centurions. There's few of them. The small skeletal centurions or the skeletal legionnaires do not give credit. They're mostly far out of the Fort, not inside.
    35-40 Cornwall

Use your Bindstone, back to Yarley's Farm, hand back the quest, and let's head out toward Lyonesse.

  1. Start by killing Peallaidh.
  2. Kill Arawnites just north of that. There's a bunch of different mobs in the area, try to avoid wasting time killing anything you don't need.
  3. Head north west, and kill Danaoin Clerks there. The spot shown by the red dot on the map is in the middle of the water, which is always annoying to fight in, especially if you ever have to kite/run. And because of the buildings, both camps are equally annoying, anyway.
    35-40 Lyonesse

Use your bindstone, hand back the quests again at Yarley's Farm. By this point, you should be level 39.
And that last level... kinda sucks. I can't recommend ever questing in the Dales of Devwy, it's one of the worst places in Albion.
At least we're at the maximum level for Molvik, though, so that's probably the best place to finish this slice of levels. Find a group or stay safe on the Western side of the zone.
Otherwise, find a group for the Catacombs of Cordova. The completion of dungeons award a full level.

Last stretch to 50

Because there are many ways of getting xp way faster than questing at this level (see All The Raids), I'll write some ways to get some xp here, but I doubt it'll be enough to get you all the way to 50 without anything else. So feel free to hop between steps, keep an eye on LFG, etc.

40+ — All the Raids

Let's just take a small break from the quest guide now that we reached level 40, to explain the mechanics of leveling through the various raid encounters.

Because of the currency mechanic and simply needing gear for their characters, people will constantly run a varied range of raids throughout the day. You can earn currency for them at any level, but most of them have quests that give you a full level as a reward that you can grab starting at level 40.

40+ Questing

40-45 — Cornwall

Once again, get the quests from Yarley's Farm.

  1. Head to the west to kill Obby Oss, a named horse. On the way, kill Cornish Giants and Cornwall Drakes, but don't worry if you don't finish their quests there - you'll have more chance to find some later on.
  2. Head back south east, to kill Soth.
  3. Head full east, to kill Althea Kennicot. Try to pull her without dealing with the tons of mobs in that area. She's usually in front of the tower, in a pretty armor.
  4. Run north east to kill the Lurking Stranger, the only humanoid on that ridge.
  5. Big stretch of run here, and heading into the water north west of there. We're going to kill all the Water Elemental Spirits there.
  6. Head further north, you'll end up finding Living Corals. They're all standing in a line stretching toward the west, and there's about exactly 10 of them.
  7. By the time you finish killing the corals, you should be right under the Octopi. Kill ten of them!
  8. Now run back to the coast, south of there, and kill Soul Hag. Next to her, you'll find a huge amount of Cornish Giants and Cornwall Drakes again, where you should finish their related quests.
    40-45 Cornwall
40-50 — Lyonesse

Once again, you can get the quests from Yarley's Farm. These quests are easy enough, and if you can do both sets at the same time, they have a very nice layout.
40-50 Lyonesse


This is the one battleground I would actually recommend doing. The most of the quests are right out the doors of the keep, even if you die you can go back quickly at them.

Simply hit the Kaolinths, and the Archipelago Crabs, as well as the Kaolithn Matriarrch right outside the keep.

Avoid doing the Restless Hagbui or the Deserters quests unless you have a group.

40-50 — Dales of Devwy

I hate this place. It's full of a metric ton of mobs everywhere. But there's not that many alternatives, and these quests are actually pretty clustered when you know where to go.

  1. Kill the families living in each of these two houses. It can be pretty tough alone, though.
  2. Move to this building south west of the Fort. All the other quests but one can be done around this, and it's one of the very few safe spots in this forest.
  3. Finish with the last quest south of the actual red dot, in the very bottom left corner of the map. All the mobs there count for the quest.

The quests for 45+ are (almost) all done in the small ruined village where you can also find Ris'nir Cruss, the boss of the Epic Quest.
40-50 Dales of Devwy

45-50 — Dartmoor

While Dartmoor is technically 40+, it's much easier to do at 45+. Indeed, if you pick up Weakening the guards (see here in the non-repeatable section), you'll be forced to kill many mobs that actually match with the quests from here. You might get a couple of levels just doing this, which you probably want to do anyway to at least unlock Grimspound.