DAoC Glossary


BG — Depending on context, can either be:

ROG — Random Object Generator. Refers to any dropped item that was randomly generated, instead of being pre-set.

SI — Shrouded Isle, the first expansion of DAoC. Usually refers to the zones added with that expansion, in opposition to the "Classic" zones.

Template — A full equipment set for a character that has been carefully handpicked to optimise as many stats as possible for said character's class, spec and role. A character wearing a template is referred to as "temped" sometimes.

ToA — Trials of Atlantis. One of the first expansions of DAoC, which added the many zones of Atlantis, the artifacts, the dungeons such as Sobekite...


KotH — King of the Hill. A Living Frontier event, where groups of up to 8 people fight each other in a small zone. Realms are irrelevant, only your group mates are your allies!

NF / FZ — New Frontiers / Frontier Zone. Simply a short way to talk about the Frontiers.

Peel — The action of defending casters/healers from melee attackers or pets, usually by stunning, snaring or rooting the attacker. Some might also call for "aggro", in pvp or pve, due to the pve mechanic.

POC — Passage of Conflict. A dungeon under the Frontiers, with an entrance in all three central frontier zones (Breifine, Pennine Mountains and Jamtland Mountains). At its deepest lies the entrance to the Summoner's Hall.

Rupt — Interrupt. Under normal circumstances, casters will be instantly interrupted upon taking any damage, but it can also include effects such as Amnesia, for example.



Epic Dungeon — The massive dungeon added for each realm in their Shrouded Isle map. Probably the hardest raids for each realm. Listen to your leaders about mechanics!

SH — Summoner's Hall. A short dungeon with many rewards, and the Grimoire Pages currency. Beware, as it's under the Passage of Conflict and shared with the other two realms!

DF — Darkness Fall. A massive dungeon shared between all three realms, with enemies starting as low level as 15. Outside of special events, only the realm controlling the most tower and keeps have access to Darkness Falls. Various high level encounters can be found in there, dropping Daemon Blood Seals, including, but not limited to:

Dragon — Your realm's Dragon, also called Drake. It will drop some Dragon Scale Caches.

Minis — Mini dragons, adolescent dragons. There are four in your realm's dragon zone, and one in each of the three frontiers.

CL5 — Refers to the Darkness Rising dungeon that will give 5 champion levels from completing the associated quest for the first time. The quest is repeatable and will give one champion level each time.


AoE — Area of Effect. A spell that affects a zone. There are multiple types of AoEs:

Bladeturn, BT or Bubble — An effect that cancels the first melee or bow attack targeting the character. PBT is "pulsing Bladeturn", which is a chant some classes have access to that will renew the bladeturn effect every X seconds.

Buffs — Spell effects that increase a character's effectiveness. They usually disappear if the target goes too far away from the caster. They can either be for a set duration, or "permanent". In the latter case, they will disappear if the caster dies, and they consume "concentration" while active, a limited resource.

CC — Crowd Control. Any effect that reduce the target's movements or actions. There are multiple types in the game:

Debuffs — Effects applied by enemies to reduce a character's effectiveness. A lot of them are reducing a specific stat (strength, dex, combat speed...) or resist type (spirit, heat, cold..), but some have specific effects that are named for ease of comprehension:

LoS — Line of Sight. Most attacks and spells can only be done on a target you have line of sight with. LoS can be broken by some elements of decor (rocks, buildings, terrain) but might be ignored by others (trees, tents).

PoM or Crack — Power (mana) regeneration effect.

Speed X — The various levels of speed bonuses.